Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Digestive System

We started reviewing what we know about the Human Body as well as learned new things. Today we learned all about the Digestive System. We talked about the yummy food they ate for lunch and how it was being broken down in their bodies.

           First grade learned:
  • Digestion starts in the mouth
  • Your teeth breaks down the food into pieces so that it can be swallowed
  • Saliva covers the food to make it easier to swallow
  • You have two pipes in your for eating, the other for breathing and that a special flap covers your air pipe when you swallow food.
  • The food travels down the esophagus and gets squeezed by the the muscles
  • Food then goes to the stomach where it's broken down by the gastric juices. The stomach stores food, break down the food into a liquid mixture then passes to the small intestine
  • Small intestine breaks down food even more so the body can absorb the nutrients and vitamins it needs into the blood.
  • Next stop for the things that your body doesn't need in the large intestine, which we learned is about 5 ft long)
  • Finally the waste is emptied out of our body
We discussed how important it is to be able to use the bathroom and get rid of the things our body does not need. We learned there is a special bracha you can say after using the bathroom to thank Hashem for allowing your body to work properly. Shimon did a great job in reciting it!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dear Parents,

In first grade we are learning with great excitement and participation.
We are not letting the Hurricane damage get in the way of our children’s education! We have been moving on in Hebrew Language/Judaic Studies and keeping up with the curriculum.
Boruch Hashem the shipment of our new workbooks has arrived and the children will now be able to use them!  
We will be starting to learn all about Chanukah this week, a very exciting Holiday for the children!
We will keep you posted with any updates in our classroom!
Please continue reading with your children daily!

Morah Mushky  
Dear Parents,

In first grade we are learning with great excitement and participation.
We are not letting the Hurricane damage get in the way of our children’s education! We have been moving on in Hebrew Language/Judaic Studies and keeping up with the curriculum.
Boruch Hashem the shipment of our new workbooks has arrived and the children will now be able to use them!  
We will be starting to learn all about Chanukah this week, a very exciting Holiday for the children!
We will keep you posted with any updates in our classroom!
Please continue reading with your children daily!

Morah Mushky  
Dear Parents,

In first grade we are learning with great excitement and participation.
We are not letting the Hurricane damage get in the way of our children’s education! We have been moving on in Hebrew Language/Judaic Studies and keeping up with the curriculum.
Boruch Hashem the shipment of our new workbooks has arrived and the children will now be able to use them!  
We will be starting to learn all about Chanukah this week, a very exciting Holiday for the children!
We will keep you posted with any updates in our classroom!
Please continue reading with your children daily!

Morah Mushky  

Friday, November 9, 2012

What we did in school

With such a short week we covered a lot!



The children learned the terms solid, liquid and gas. We took a walk around the block and explored the snow. We brought the snow back to class and we hypothesized what will happen to the snow. The children said it will melt. We began by understanding that snow is solid which will turn to a liquid and may turn to gas if its stays out for long time.
They watched how the snow melts from a solid to a liquid. The children were very excited to see the change happening right before their eyes.

Social Studies

The children were excited because they were old enough to vote in Mazel Day School. Each child had a choice to vote for either Romney or Obama. Emy said I am going to vote for Romney because he is going to create jobs. After the votes were in Romney won the election.
We discussed that although Romney won in Mazel Day School, President Obama won the Country's vote. The children now know that a term is four years for a president and he may be elected for two terms, a total of eight years.


The students are proficient in addition. Each child had an addition flash card which they needed to find the answer. Every boy and girl got the answer right!
Next week we will learn all about subtractions.


The children reviewed the letters they know how to to write c, o, s, v, w, t, a, d, and g.

Writing workshop

The students came to school each with their experience of what happened when Hurricane Sandy hit them.  After hearing their experience they wrote about it. Here is some of their work:
Simon                   I lost power in my house. Why did I lose power? Because of Hurricane Sandy
Zaylin                    I lost power. My grandpa and grandma lost power too.
Shimon                 My power was lost. Trees being on ground. Stuff fell down. Basement was       flooded.
Dov                        The light turned off but when I came home I had light.
Yoni                       My light almost turned off. I help my dad get ready for the hurricane. After the hurricane I help the school.
Felix                       We lost power. We don’t have light
Ariel                       My family looking at the window at the hurricane.
Ariella                   I lost light in my home from Sandy for three days. I stayed at my aunts home.
Evalyn                   I lost my  power and my school got damaged, and it got flooded.
Alan                       It got flooded a car got drowned.
Sammy                 Sandy put the light off. There was no hot water and the classroom was flooded. And the books was in the garbage.
Nate:                     I am happy because I have light. I want to help the school.
Morah Sharona I am sorry that our school had to go through such a terrible hurricane. I am glad that we are all safe and we can start to learn again. Mazel Day School is an amazing school  because of the students and parent body of the school (and it does not matter where the school is located).

Reading Workshop

The children Know good readers find a quite place to concentrate. Each child finds a nice quite 
place to read after they discuss what they read.




Students enjoyed their time with the music teacher they learned a beautiful song in Hebrew. In addition they got familiar with country, blues and Irish music. The music teacher would play it on her guitar and the students needed to tell her what type of music it was.



 Morah Bracha asked the boys to write Russian words on the board. They each got a chance to write a syllable and their friend got to finish the word. Morah Bracha then read them a story in Russian.