Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yom Kippur

This month is just so busy learning about Holiday to Holiday!
The children are very excited to share their previous information they know regarding the upcoming Holiday in addition to learning new information!

The children learnt that on this day it is a Fast day for all Jewish People, however children are not allowed to fast.( we talked about not disturbing our parents so they can have an easier fast.) We discussed that on this day it is a day of Prayer and that many people wear white clothing symbolic to the angels.

For Yom Kippur the children learned about Kaporos, It is a custom Jewish people do  before Yom Kippur.
While doing this we say a Special Prayer asking G-D for a good year.  The children had the opportunity to do Kaporos in our own School Yard!

Wishing you and your families to be sealed in the book of life for a Happy and Healthy year.

Morah Mushky

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