Monday, December 10, 2012

Latkes and Doughnut Recipes!!!

Dear Parents,

I hope you are having a nice and enjoyable Chanukah with your families.

The children learned in school about the miracles of Chanukah that happened many years ago to the Jewish People. One of the miracles that happened to the Jewish people was when they wanted to light the Menorah after they won the war with the Greeks, they couldnt find a sealed jug of oil to light the Menorah since the Greeks destroyed Everything in the Beis Hamikdash.  Hashem made a miracle and the Jews found one Jug of sealed oil to light the Menorah
This Jug of oil was enough to last for one day but Hashem made another miracle and the oil lasted 8 days, till the Jews came back with new oil.

Therefore on Chanukah we eat  foods made with oil  such as Latkes and Sufganiyot to remember the miracles that happened with the oil to the Jewish people!

I posted  links of  recipes for Latkes and Doughnuts to make at home with your children.


Morah Mushky

Latke Recipe:

1.(lowfat Latkes)

2. Traditional Latkes

Doughnut Recipe:

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