Saturday, June 22, 2013

End of Year

Dear Parents & Students,

What a wonderful year we had together. I really enjoyed being your teacher, and am looking forward to teaching your children again in second grade. Second grade will be filled with great learning, great fun, and lots of smiles. Wishing all of you a wonderful and restful summer.

Morah Gaby 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

End of the Year Ice Cream Party!

Today we celebrated all of our hard work with an ice cream party with all sorts of toppings! The children have accomplished so much and we are so proud!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Today was our grand publishing party for the "All About Books" the first grade wrote. For the last two months we have been learning about non-fiction. We started out learning about the features of non-fiction in Reading Workshop. Simultaneously, the kids were learning how to write non-fiction stories. Their focus was to write a book all about an animal of their choice. Each lesson we reviewed features of non-fiction, and then I modeled for the class how they can extract information from a book to answer specific questions. We started with planning sheets, and post it notes where the kids made notes. Once they finished the first step I gave them publishing paper, and we sat in groups and worked together on finding the information. I also modeled for the class how note taking can turn into a story. The kids also had to illustrate pictures, and draw a picture of their animal with labels. The kids also created a table of contents, a glossary, a fun facts page, and an author page. 

I am extremely proud of the first grade for all their hard work. Today's publishing party was special because we celebrated the kids and THEIR hard work . :)

Morah Gaby 

Hall of Science

First Grade visited the Hall of Science. It was all hands on fun as well as educational. The children were so excited to explore. Let's not forget about the amazing science playground....they love that slide!