Thursday, May 30, 2013

In celebration of Health Month, Funny Food Art came to visit. Bill and Claire, who wrote the book, Funny Food are a couple that use their skills as artists and musicians to make it fun for children to learn about nutrition. They came to talk to the children about the importance of eating right and staying healthy. They showed the children how to have fun with their healthy food to create funny faces. After the program, the children returned to the classroom to create their very own funny faces made out of pancakes, cottage cheese, parsley, raisins, bananas, strawberries, blueberries and oranges. They were so creative!

To see more information on this program visit

Morah Gaby 

Yummy Juice

In May we celebrated Health Month, and what better way to celebrate than drink some yummy healthy juice .. the kids loved it so much they asked for seconds.... 

Morah Gaby