Sunday, February 17, 2013

Living and Non Living Things

How are Living Things and Non-Living things Different?
·         Living things are alive. They can grow and change.
·         Living things have basic needs in order to remain alive. These include air, water, food and a space to live or grow.
·         Non-living things don’t need air, water or food. They don’t grow. But they might change over time.
First grade first took seeds and placed them on a wet paper towel on a plate, in a bag so we can see the progression of it's growth.
Next the children had the opportunity to plant their own seeds in soil, making sure not to overcrowd the seeds in the cup. We made sure to give it soil, water, space and light.
Last we took another cup and put seeds with no water and placed it in the closet so it would not get light. We are comparing our plants with the proper needs to one without the proper needs to survive.
We even learned a song to go with the lesson!

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