Friday, February 22, 2013


Dear parents,

It has been a very busy and exciting week learning all about Purim!
In First Grade we acted out the story of Purim, learned lots of new songs and learned all about what we need to do On Purim.

1.       Hear the Megillah Reading
2.       Give Mishloach Manot-(gift bag with 2 at least two treats) to a friend.
3.       Give extra charity to the poor
4.       Eat a Festive meal.
Although it’s not a must however it is a custom to Dress up in a costume to be happy on PurimJ

We had a lot of fun making The Purim Character Puppets and decorating Graggers to use when hearing Haman’s name!

In addition each child has A prepared Mishloach Manot-goody bag, to do the mitzvah of giving it to a friend on Purim

Below is a link where you can find the Purim Story, Hamantashen Recipe, holiday guide and more!

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim!!!

Morah Mushky

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