Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Writing Workshop

In Writing Workshop we have been working on a unit called: How To. In this unit the children write about things they know how to do, by using transition words. They use words such as: First, Then, Next, Last, Finally. The first step is to sketch out a picture that will go along with the words of the How To story. Before the kids started writing they made a list of all the things they know how to do. They wrote two to three How To stories. They are now in the process of editing and revising a How To they chose to publish. 

I also modeled for the class how to write a How To story, and I chose to write about making a salad. I though it would be really great if the class could use an actual How To story to make something. Today in class we made a big salad. Each child had a chance to cut a vegetable, and put it in the bowl. When we were all finished they enjoyed yummy salad. 

Morah Gaby 

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